Step 1 - Follow us on Social Media

As our volunteer, you represent FightPandemics and all we stand for. We rely on you to spread the word and expand our reach. Like us, follow us, turn on notifications for all of our posts, list your new position with FP, and help us reach more people!







Let's add your new role(s) to your professional and social accounts

Please consider the following guidelines for your choosing your job title:

  1. We do not have a corporate structure, nor will we ever. There are no rigid, formal, Director, Manager, and such hierarchies.
  2. If you have a specific role you're already working on, you can add it in (Volunteer Product Management, Volunteer Content Writing, etc.).
  3. If you are a more casual contributor helping sporadically, use something more generic or as simple as "Volunteer", then list your department(s).
  4. You can also get fun and creative. If you're solving all engineering problems you could say "Volunteer troubleshooter | Engineering", or "Volunteer Problem Solver".
  5. We do encourage coordinators to note that they are a team coordinators and which department(s). Suggested titles are: "Coordinator, Facilitator"
  6. Don't forget to note down which milestones you have accomplished with your team in your description

PS: Please make sure that your titles reflect how you are able to learn in different roles and that we have an environment where you can wear many hats. We need to highlight how people have the opportunity to become coordinators and to work in departments that they may be new to. This creates an inclusive environment where anyone can thrive.

Step 2 - Add your new position on LinkedIn

*If your current job position does not allow you to add us as a work experience, you may add it as a volunteer experience instead.

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